Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.
This is a readonly REST API which can be used to fetch data about the DerivaDEX exchange. Realtime equivalents for most of these endpoints can be found in the Realtime API section.
These APIs provide data for a particular trader. Use the 'Full table views' APIs to find the unscoped variants.
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}
Returns a specific trader
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Trader data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"availDdx": "1000",
"lockedDdx": "200",
"payFeesInDdx": true
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Trader API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | Entity which represents the current trader state. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» availDdx | string | true | none | The amount of DDX that the trader holds. |
»» lockedDdx | string | true | none | The amount of DDX that the trader has initiated for withdrawal. |
»» payFeesInDdx | boolean | true | none | A flag which indicates whether the trader wants to attempt to pay trading fees using their DDX balance. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Trader order updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/order_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/order_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/order_updates
Returns the order update timeseries data for a particular trader
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
fillReason | query | integer | false | The reason for the creation of this row. 0-Trade; 1-Liquidation; 2-Cancel. Multiple reason values can be provided. |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order update timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"makerOrderHash": "0xe49584ff9d5a154d2075ff658ccb4c7af844bb9fad5055ad72",
"makerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"makerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "1.5",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"price": "595.8",
"makerFeeUSDC": "0",
"makerFeeDDX": "0",
"makerRealizedPnl": "0",
"reason": 0,
"takerOrderHash": "0x93ee93e9e90db7f3f8ae2815cb54610c6e072fe3cf9a475be2",
"takerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"takerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"takerFeeUSDC": "1.7874",
"takerFeeDDX": "1.7874",
"takerRealizedPnl": "0",
"liquidatedTrader": null,
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": null,
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for fills API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» makerOrderHash | string | true | none | The order hash for the maker side of this fill. |
»» makerOrderTrader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the maker order. |
»» makerOrderStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the maker order. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was filled. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset that was filled. |
»» price | string,null | true | none | The fill price. |
»» makerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The USDC fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker receives fees in USDC. |
»» makerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker elected to receive fees in DDX. Null otherwise. |
»» makerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the maker due to this fill. Null otherwise. |
»» reason | number | true | none | The type of fill. Values include: 0: trade, 1: liquidation, 2: cancel |
»» takerOrderHash | string,null | true | none | The order hash for the taker side of this fill. |
»» takerOrderTrader | string,null | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the taker order. |
»» takerOrderStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the taker order. |
»» takerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in USDC. Null otherwise |
»» takerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in DDX. Null otherwise |
»» takerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the taker due to this fill. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string,null | true | none | In the case that this was a liquidation fill, the trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader that was liquidated. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The liquidated strategy id hash |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
All strategies of a trader
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategies',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategies', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategies
Returns information about a particular trader's updates
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"strategyId": "main",
"maxLeverage": 3,
"availCollateral": "10000",
"lockedCollateral": "1000",
"frozen": false
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategies API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this strategy. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed version of this strategy ID. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | An identifier for this strategy. |
»» maxLeverage | number | true | none | The maximum leverage this strategy is allowed to take on. |
»» availCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral that this strategy holds. |
»» lockedCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral which has been initiated for withdrawal. |
»» frozen | boolean | true | none | Whether this strategy is frozen. Not currently in use. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Trader updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/trader_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/trader_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/trader_updates
Returns information about a particular trader's updates
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
kind | query | integer | false | The type of trader update. Multiple trader update values can be provided. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Detailed descriptions
kind: The type of trader update. Multiple trader update values can be provided. Values include: 0: Deposit 1: WithdrawDDX 2: ClaimDDXWithdraw 3: TradeMiningReward
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
kind | 0 |
kind | 1 |
kind | 2 |
kind | 3 |
kind | 4 |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Trader updates data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"amount": "1000",
"newDdxBalance": "1200",
"kind": 0,
"payFeesInDdx": true,
"blockNumber": "344100",
"txHash": "0xfcdae2edac7063ae3a3fb0e74b48816a0593644a3b2f5d701c8e5fafec70828e",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Trader Updates API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader. |
»» amount | string,null | true | none | The amount of DDX was modified in this trader. |
»» newDdxBalance | string,null | true | none | The new DDX balance after updating this trader. |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of trader update. Values include: 0: Deposit 1: WithdrawDDX 2: ClaimDDXWithdraw 3: TradeMiningReward |
»» payFeesInDdx | boolean,null | true | none | A flag which when set will attempt to pay trading fees using the DDX held in this trader. |
»» blockNumber | string,null | true | none | The block number in which this strategy update was processed. |
»» txHash | string,null | true | none | The on-chain transaction hash corresponding to this trader update (for Deposit and ClaimDDXWithdraw kinds) |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
These APIs provide access to tables under the context of a particular trader address and strategy ID pair. Use the 'Full table views' APIs to find the unscoped variants.
Strategy ADLs
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/adls',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/adls', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/adls
Returns the ADL events for traders who were either on the liquidation side or de-leveraging side
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ADL timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"amount": "1.0",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"adlTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"adlStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"liquidatedTrader": "0x006bb7d07901a1aade4ead7b68167224a0512985cf",
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for ADLs API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was auto de-leveraged. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset that was auto de-leveraged. |
»» adlTrader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who was de-leveraged. |
»» adlStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy ID from the trader who was de-leveraged. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string | true | none | The trader address of the trader who was liquidated, leading to this adl. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy ID from the trader who was liquidated, leading to this adl. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy Fees
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/fees',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/fees', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/fees
Returns the fees from the trades for a specific strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Fees timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"amount": "1.0",
"feeSymbol": "USDC",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Fee API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | Fee Response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount of fee paid |
»» feeSymbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the fee paid (USDC or DDX) |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for which the fee was paid. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}
Returns information about a particular strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"strategyId": "main",
"maxLeverage": 3,
"availCollateral": "10000",
"lockedCollateral": "1000",
"frozen": false
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategy API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | Current state of a trader's strategy. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this strategy. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed version of this strategy ID. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | An identifier for this strategy. |
»» maxLeverage | number | true | none | The maximum leverage this strategy is allowed to take on. |
»» availCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral that this strategy holds. |
»» lockedCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral which has been initiated for withdrawal. |
»» frozen | boolean | true | none | Whether this strategy is frozen. Not currently in use. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy liquidations
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/liquidations',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/liquidations', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/liquidations
Returns the liquidations timeseries data for a particular trader and strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Liquidations timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"symbol": "ETHP",
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"triggerPriceHash": "0x7fedd251937b6240d46f989f21d06ea0d8929cd42cf627cee6",
"markPrice": "51899.698653",
"insuranceFundCapitalization": "string",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Liquidation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset in which the liquidation occured. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who was liquidated. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy id of the trader who was liquidated. |
»» triggerPriceHash | string,null | true | none | The hash of the price update that caused the liquidation. |
»» markPrice | string | true | none | The mark price of the asset at the time of liquidation. |
»» insuranceFundCapitalization | string | true | none | The insurance fund capitalization after this liquidation transaction. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy metrics
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/metrics',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/metrics', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/metrics
Returns the metrics for a particular trader and strategy, like margin fraction, maintenance margin ratio, leverage, strategy available collateral and strategy value.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy metrics data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"marginFraction": "999999999999",
"mmr": "0.05",
"leverage": "3",
"strategyMargin": "6147.5",
"strategyValue": "9233.3"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategy Metrics API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | Strategy metrics |
»» marginFraction | string | true | none | The current margin fraction of the strategy. |
»» mmr | string | true | none | The maintenance margin ratio. The margin fraction of the strategy should be greater than this number, or it may be subject to liquidation. |
»» leverage | string | true | none | The current leverage of the strategy. |
»» strategyMargin | string | true | none | The amount of unsettled margin and unutilized collateral available for new trades, or as a buffer against losses. |
»» strategyValue | string | true | none | The total value of all positions owned by this strategy. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy open orders
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_book',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_book', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_book
Returns the open orders on the book for a particular trader and strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
depth | query | integer | false | The best N bids and asks to return, where N = depth |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
side | query | integer | false | The side of the order. Values include: |
Detailed descriptions
side: The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
side | 0 |
side | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order book data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"orderHash": "0xc8ab0f901fc3968dfae99b6efb34b0bdd81d69aefb21effcf5",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"originalAmount": "1.0",
"amount": "0.9",
"price": "595.8",
"traderAddress": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "54"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the OrderBook API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» orderHash | string | true | none | A hash of the order details. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» originalAmount | string | true | none | The original order amount (before any fills). |
»» amount | string | true | none | The order amount currently left on this order. |
»» price | string | true | none | The order price. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» bookOrdinal | string | true | none | The ordinal of when this order arrived on the book. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy order intents
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_intents',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_intents', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_intents
Returns all orders that were opened for a particular trader and strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
side | query | integer | false | The side of the order. Values include: |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
filterByStatus | query | integer | false | The status of the order intents. 0-Fully Filled; 1-Partially Filled; 2-Not Filled. Multiple values can be provided. |
Detailed descriptions
side: The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
side | 0 |
side | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order history data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"orderHash": [
"symbol": [
"side": 0,
"amount": "1.0",
"remainingAmount": "0.5",
"price": "1500.0",
"traderAddress": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyId": "main",
"orderType": 0,
"stopPrice": "0",
"nonce": "0x3136373332393531393331383537373332363800000000000000000000000000",
"signature": "0xf9b19b088e3d0ad2c6330231899e03e50b45a8c7a1f52082aa0e9a61391fd5a35d3aece9dd2d42132a25b0aef5ac1bda7aee87c0c0c25ab9525d5eeeff9787d81b",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Order Intents Stats API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» orderHash | string | true | none | A hash of this order contents. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount of the order. |
»» remainingAmount | string | true | none | The order amount currently left on this order. |
»» price | string | true | none | The price of the order. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who issues this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» orderType | number | true | none | The type of order. Values include: 0: Limit, 1: Market 2: Stop |
»» stopPrice | string | true | none | The stop price for this order. Not currently an active field. |
»» nonce | string | true | none | The nonce sent by the trader when placing this order. |
»» signature | string | true | none | A signature which was used to verify the authenticity of the order, when it was sent by the trader. Encrypted using the public key exposed by the leader Operator. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy order updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/order_updates
Returns the order update timeseries data for a particular trader and strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
fillReason | query | integer | false | The reason for the creation of this row. 0-Trade; 1-Liquidation; 2-Cancel. Multiple reason values can be provided. |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order update timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"makerOrderHash": "0xe49584ff9d5a154d2075ff658ccb4c7af844bb9fad5055ad72",
"makerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"makerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "1.5",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"price": "595.8",
"makerFeeUSDC": "0",
"makerFeeDDX": "0",
"makerRealizedPnl": "0",
"reason": 0,
"takerOrderHash": "0x93ee93e9e90db7f3f8ae2815cb54610c6e072fe3cf9a475be2",
"takerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"takerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"takerFeeUSDC": "1.7874",
"takerFeeDDX": "1.7874",
"takerRealizedPnl": "0",
"liquidatedTrader": null,
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": null,
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for fills API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» makerOrderHash | string | true | none | The order hash for the maker side of this fill. |
»» makerOrderTrader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the maker order. |
»» makerOrderStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the maker order. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was filled. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset that was filled. |
»» price | string,null | true | none | The fill price. |
»» makerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The USDC fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker receives fees in USDC. |
»» makerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker elected to receive fees in DDX. Null otherwise. |
»» makerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the maker due to this fill. Null otherwise. |
»» reason | number | true | none | The type of fill. Values include: 0: trade, 1: liquidation, 2: cancel |
»» takerOrderHash | string,null | true | none | The order hash for the taker side of this fill. |
»» takerOrderTrader | string,null | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the taker order. |
»» takerOrderStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the taker order. |
»» takerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in USDC. Null otherwise |
»» takerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in DDX. Null otherwise |
»» takerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the taker due to this fill. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string,null | true | none | In the case that this was a liquidation fill, the trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader that was liquidated. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The liquidated strategy id hash |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy positions
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/positions',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/positions', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/positions
Returns the open positions for a particular trader and strategy
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Positions data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"side": 0,
"balance": "1.0",
"avgEntryPrice": "1500",
"lastModifiedInEpoch": 35
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for positions API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this position. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this position. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hash of the strategy which owns this position. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the position. Values include: 0: None, 1: Long, 2: Short |
»» balance | string | true | none | The current balance of this position. |
»» avgEntryPrice | string | true | none | The average entry price of this position. |
»» lastModifiedInEpoch | number,null | true | none | The epoch in which this position's balance was last modified. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/strategy_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/strategy_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/strategy_updates
Returns information about a particular strategy's updates
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
kind | query | integer | false | The type of strategy update. Multiple strategy update values can be provided. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Detailed descriptions
kind: The type of strategy update. Multiple strategy update values can be provided. Values include: 0: Deposit, 1: Withdraw, 2: WithdrawIntent, 3: FundingPayment, 4: RealizedPnl
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
kind | 0 |
kind | 1 |
kind | 2 |
kind | 3 |
kind | 4 |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy updates data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"collateralAddress": "0x8ea76477cfaca8f7ea06477fd3c09a740ac6012a",
"amount": "1000",
"newAvailCollateral": "10000",
"newLockedCollateral": "0",
"kind": 0,
"blockNumber": "344100",
"txHash": "0xfcdae2edac7063ae3a3fb0e74b48816a0593644a3b2f5d701c8e5fafec70828e",
"newAvgEntryPrices": {
"BTCP": "51591.628081",
"ETHP": "4786.43076"
"fundingPayments": {
"BTCP": "17.918454670996998719225076469",
"ETHP": "-2.1938698405321453631273234871"
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategy Updates API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this strategy. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed version of this strategy ID. |
»» collateralAddress | string,null | true | none | The collateral address on which this strategy update took place. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was modified in the strategy. |
»» newAvailCollateral | string,null | true | none | If affected, the updated available collateral amount after this strategy update. |
»» newLockedCollateral | string,null | true | none | If affected, the updated locked collateral amount after this strategy update. |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of strategy update. Values include: 0: Deposit, 1: Withdraw, 2: WithdrawIntent, 3: FundingPayment, 4: RealizedPnl |
»» blockNumber | string,null | true | none | The block number in which this strategy update was processed. |
»» txHash | string,null | true | none | The on-chain transaction hash corresponding to this strategy update (for Deposit and Withdraw kinds) |
»» newAvgEntryPrices | any | true | none | After a RealizedPnl strategy update, what the new average entry prices are for this strategies' open positions. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» fundingPayments | any | true | none | Payment distribution broken down by symbol due to the position's notional value and funding rate at the time of the funding event. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
These APIs return key high level metrics for markets.
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/markets',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/markets', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/markets
Returns keys metrics for markets
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Market data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"market": "BTCP",
"volume": "569664.89",
"price": "21969.23",
"fundingRate": "0.005",
"openInterest": "15000000"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Markets API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» market | string | true | none | The symbol of the market. |
»» volume | string | true | none | The total volume for the market over the time period. |
»» price | string | true | none | The most recent mark price. |
»» fundingRate | string | true | none | The funding rate estimate over the time period. |
»» openInterest | string | true | none | The current open interest for the market. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Order Book L2
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/markets/order_book/L2',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/markets/order_book/L2', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/markets/order_book/L2
Returns L2 orderbooks
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
depth | query | integer | false | The best N bids and asks to return, where N = depth |
side | query | integer | false | The side of the order. Values include: |
Detailed descriptions
side: The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
side | 0 |
side | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order Book L2 data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"symbol": "ETHP",
"amount": "0.1",
"price": 1000,
"side": 0
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Order Book L2 API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order aggregation. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the order aggregation. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» amount | string | true | none | The order amount currently left on this aggregation level. |
»» price | string | true | none | The price level of the aggregation. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/markets/tickers',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/markets/tickers', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/markets/tickers
Returns all Ticker data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Ticker data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"symbol": "ETHP",
"high": "2000",
"low": "1000",
"volumeWeightedAveragePrice": "1600",
"open": "1100",
"close": "1700",
"previousClose": "1000",
"change": "600",
"percentage": "54.54",
"baseVolume": "150",
"notionalVolume": "18026.42"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for Ticker API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this ticker. |
»» high | string,null | true | none | The highest index price for the current 24 hour period. |
»» low | string,null | true | none | The lowest index price for the current 24 hour period. |
»» volumeWeightedAveragePrice | string,null | true | none | The volume weighted average price for the current 24 period. |
»» open | string,null | true | none | The opening index price for the current 24 hour period. |
»» close | string,null | true | none | The closing index price for the current 24 hour period. |
»» previousClose | string,null | true | none | The closing index price in the previous 24 hour period. |
»» change | string,null | true | none | The absolute change of the index price in the current 24 hour period, close - open. |
»» percentage | string,null | true | none | The relative change of the index price in the current 24 hour period, (change / open) * 100. |
»» baseVolume | string,null | true | none | The sum of the underlying asset traded in the current 24 hour period |
»» notionalVolume | string,null | true | none | The notional sum of the asset traded in the current 24 hour period |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Full table views
These APIs provide access to all the rows from the DerivaDEX database.
Order rejections
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/order_rejections',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/order_rejections', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/order_rejections
Returns all orders that were rejected
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order rejection data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"requestIndex": 3432,
"orderHash": [
"symbol": [
"amount": "1.0",
"reason": 0,
"traderAddress": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyId": "main"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Order Rejections API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» requestIndex | string | true | none | The request index. |
»» orderHash | string | true | none | A hash of this order's contents. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount of the order that got rejected. |
»» reason | number | true | none | The reason the order was rejected. Values include: 0: Self match 1: Solvency 2: Market order not fully filled |
»» traderAddress | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who issues this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
reason | 0 |
reason | 1 |
reason | 2 |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/adls',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/adls', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/adls
Returns all ADL timeseries data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | ADLs timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"amount": "1.0",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"adlTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"adlStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"liquidatedTrader": "0x006bb7d07901a1aade4ead7b68167224a0512985cf",
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for ADLs API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was auto de-leveraged. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset that was auto de-leveraged. |
»» adlTrader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who was de-leveraged. |
»» adlStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy ID from the trader who was de-leveraged. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string | true | none | The trader address of the trader who was liquidated, leading to this adl. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy ID from the trader who was liquidated, leading to this adl. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
DDX fee pool
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/ddx_fee_pool',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/ddx_fee_pool', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/ddx_fee_pool
Returns total capitalization of the DDX fee pool as timeseries
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | DDX fee pool timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"totalCapitalization": "1.929969",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for DDX fee pool API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» totalCapitalization | string,null | true | none | The total capitalization of the DDX fee pool after this transaction occured. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/epochs',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/epochs', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/epochs
Returns all epoch start and end time data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Epoch start and end time data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"startTime": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z",
"endTime": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for Epochs API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch number. |
»» startTime | string(date-time) | true | none | The timestamp at which this epoch started. |
»» endTime | string | true | none | The timestamp at which this epoch ended. This will be null if the epoch is still ongoing. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | object(date-time) | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Funding Rate History
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/funding_rate_history',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/funding_rate_history', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/funding_rate_history
Returns all funding rate data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Funding Rate History Data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"symbol": "BTCP",
"fundingRate": "0.005",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Funding Rate History API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this funding rate update occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the market. |
»» fundingRate | string | true | none | The funding rate for the given market. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Insurance fund
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/insurance_fund',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/insurance_fund', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/insurance_fund
Returns the total capitalization of the insurance fund with per transaction granularity
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Insurance fund capitalization timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"symbol": "USDC",
"totalCapitalization": "1000000",
"kind": 0,
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for Insurance Fund API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the insurance fund asset. |
»» totalCapitalization | string,null | true | none | The total capitalization of the insurance fund after this transaction occured. |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of insurance fund capitalization change. Values include: 0: fill, 1: liquidation, 2: deposit, 3: withdrawal |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/liquidations',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/liquidations', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/liquidations
Returns all liquidations timeseries data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Liquidations timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"symbol": "ETHP",
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"triggerPriceHash": "0x7fedd251937b6240d46f989f21d06ea0d8929cd42cf627cee6",
"markPrice": "51899.698653",
"insuranceFundCapitalization": "string",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Liquidation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset in which the liquidation occured. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who was liquidated. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy id of the trader who was liquidated. |
»» triggerPriceHash | string,null | true | none | The hash of the price update that caused the liquidation. |
»» markPrice | string | true | none | The mark price of the asset at the time of liquidation. |
»» insuranceFundCapitalization | string | true | none | The insurance fund capitalization after this liquidation transaction. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Mark Prices
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/mark_prices',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/mark_prices', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/mark_prices
Returns all mark price checkpoints
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
priceHash | query | string | false | the index price hash of the mark price. Multiple price hash values can be provided. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Mark price checkpoint data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"indexPriceHash": "0x607b9303d1da6aa842c4f7af2ae18d8616e5af63b692a05151",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"indexPrice": "5311.571505",
"markPrice": "5311.203",
"time": "100",
"ema": "-2.67",
"priceOrdinal": "100",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Mark Prices API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» indexPriceHash | string | true | none | The hash of the index price. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset. |
»» indexPrice | string | true | none | The exponential weighted average of prices from the price feed by source. |
»» markPrice | string | true | none | The index price + ema clamped to 50bps above/below the index price at all times. |
»» time | string | true | none | The monotonic clock tick associated with this price checkpoint. |
»» ema | string | true | none | Exponential moving average which tracks the spread between the DerivaDEX Petual swap price and the underlying index price it is tracking. |
»» priceOrdinal | string | true | none | The ordinal of this price update. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Open Interest History
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/open_interest_history',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/open_interest_history', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/open_interest_history
Returns open interest history
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
interval | query | string | false | The interval for open interest history. |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
interval | 5m |
interval | 1h |
interval | 1d |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Open Interest History Data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"symbol": "BTCP",
"amount": "1000",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Open Interest History API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the market. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount of open interest for the given market. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Order book
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/order_book',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/order_book', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/order_book
Returns all open orders on the book
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
depth | query | integer | false | The best N bids and asks to return, where N = depth |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
side | query | integer | false | The side of the order. Values include: |
Detailed descriptions
side: The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
side | 0 |
side | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order book data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"orderHash": "0xc8ab0f901fc3968dfae99b6efb34b0bdd81d69aefb21effcf5",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"originalAmount": "1.0",
"amount": "0.9",
"price": "595.8",
"traderAddress": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "54"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the OrderBook API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» orderHash | string | true | none | A hash of the order details. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» originalAmount | string | true | none | The original order amount (before any fills). |
»» amount | string | true | none | The order amount currently left on this order. |
»» price | string | true | none | The order price. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» bookOrdinal | string | true | none | The ordinal of when this order arrived on the book. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Order intents
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/order_intents',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/order_intents', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/order_intents
Returns all orders that were opened
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
side | query | integer | false | The side of the order. Values include: |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
filterByStatus | query | integer | false | The status of the order intents. 0-Fully Filled; 1-Partially Filled; 2-Not Filled. Multiple values can be provided. |
Detailed descriptions
side: The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
side | 0 |
side | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order history data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"orderHash": [
"symbol": [
"side": 0,
"amount": "1.0",
"remainingAmount": "0.5",
"price": "1500.0",
"traderAddress": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyId": "main",
"orderType": 0,
"stopPrice": "0",
"nonce": "0x3136373332393531393331383537373332363800000000000000000000000000",
"signature": "0xf9b19b088e3d0ad2c6330231899e03e50b45a8c7a1f52082aa0e9a61391fd5a35d3aece9dd2d42132a25b0aef5ac1bda7aee87c0c0c25ab9525d5eeeff9787d81b",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Order Intents Stats API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» orderHash | string | true | none | A hash of this order contents. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount of the order. |
»» remainingAmount | string | true | none | The order amount currently left on this order. |
»» price | string | true | none | The price of the order. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who issues this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» orderType | number | true | none | The type of order. Values include: 0: Limit, 1: Market 2: Stop |
»» stopPrice | string | true | none | The stop price for this order. Not currently an active field. |
»» nonce | string | true | none | The nonce sent by the trader when placing this order. |
»» signature | string | true | none | A signature which was used to verify the authenticity of the order, when it was sent by the trader. Encrypted using the public key exposed by the leader Operator. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Order updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/order_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/order_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/order_updates
Returns all order update timeseries data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
orderHash | query | string | false | the order hash of the order intent. Multiple order hash values can be provided. |
fillReason | query | integer | false | The reason for the creation of this row. 0-Trade; 1-Liquidation; 2-Cancel. Multiple reason values can be provided. |
since | query | integer | false | The earliest time in seconds to fetch rows for. This param cannot be used together with param order = 'desc' |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Order Update timeseries data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"makerOrderHash": "0xe49584ff9d5a154d2075ff658ccb4c7af844bb9fad5055ad72",
"makerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"makerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "1.5",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"price": "595.8",
"makerFeeUSDC": "0",
"makerFeeDDX": "0",
"makerRealizedPnl": "0",
"reason": 0,
"takerOrderHash": "0x93ee93e9e90db7f3f8ae2815cb54610c6e072fe3cf9a475be2",
"takerOrderTrader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"takerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"takerFeeUSDC": "1.7874",
"takerFeeDDX": "1.7874",
"takerRealizedPnl": "0",
"liquidatedTrader": null,
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": null,
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for fills API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» makerOrderHash | string | true | none | The order hash for the maker side of this fill. |
»» makerOrderTrader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the maker order. |
»» makerOrderStrategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the maker order. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was filled. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset that was filled. |
»» price | string,null | true | none | The fill price. |
»» makerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The USDC fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker receives fees in USDC. |
»» makerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker elected to receive fees in DDX. Null otherwise. |
»» makerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the maker due to this fill. Null otherwise. |
»» reason | number | true | none | The type of fill. Values include: 0: trade, 1: liquidation, 2: cancel |
»» takerOrderHash | string,null | true | none | The order hash for the taker side of this fill. |
»» takerOrderTrader | string,null | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the taker order. |
»» takerOrderStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the taker order. |
»» takerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in USDC. Null otherwise |
»» takerFeeDDX | string,null | true | none | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in DDX. Null otherwise |
»» takerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | none | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the taker due to this fill. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string,null | true | none | In the case that this was a liquidation fill, the trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader that was liquidated. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | none | The liquidated strategy id hash |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/positions',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/positions', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/positions
Returns all currently open positions
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Positions data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"side": 0,
"balance": "1.0",
"avgEntryPrice": "1500",
"lastModifiedInEpoch": 35
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for positions API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this position. |
»» symbol | string | true | none | The symbol of the asset for this position. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hash of the strategy which owns this position. |
»» side | number | true | none | The side of the position. Values include: 0: None, 1: Long, 2: Short |
»» balance | string | true | none | The current balance of this position. |
»» avgEntryPrice | string | true | none | The average entry price of this position. |
»» lastModifiedInEpoch | number,null | true | none | The epoch in which this position's balance was last modified. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/specs',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/specs', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/specs
Returns Operator configuration settings data
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
kind | query | integer | false | The type of spec update. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
Detailed descriptions
kind: The type of spec update. Values include: 0: Market 1: MarketGateway
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
kind | 0 |
kind | 1 |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Specs data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"kind": 0,
"name": "ETHP",
"expr": "(Market :name \"ETHP\":tick-size 0.1:max-order-notional 1000000:max-taker-price-deviation 0.02:min-order-size 0.0001)",
"value": {
"tickSize": "0.1",
"minOrderSize": "0.0001",
"maxOrderNotional": "1000000",
"maxTakerPriceDeviation": "0.02"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Specs API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of setting. Values include: 0: Market, 1: MarketGateway - a group of settings for a particular price feed source, |
»» name | string | true | none | The name of the setting. |
»» expr | string | true | none | A colon seperated set of key value pairs describing the setting |
»» value | any | true | none | The value of the setting . |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/strategies',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/strategies', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/strategies
Returns all strategies
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"strategyId": "main",
"maxLeverage": 3,
"availCollateral": "10000",
"lockedCollateral": "1000",
"frozen": false
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategies API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this strategy. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed version of this strategy ID. |
»» strategyId | string | true | none | An identifier for this strategy. |
»» maxLeverage | number | true | none | The maximum leverage this strategy is allowed to take on. |
»» availCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral that this strategy holds. |
»» lockedCollateral | string | true | none | The amount of collateral which has been initiated for withdrawal. |
»» frozen | boolean | true | none | Whether this strategy is frozen. Not currently in use. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Strategy updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/strategy_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/strategy_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/strategy_updates
Returns all strategy updates
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
kind | query | integer | false | The type of strategy update. Multiple strategy update values can be provided. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Detailed descriptions
kind: The type of strategy update. Multiple strategy update values can be provided. Values include: 0: Deposit, 1: Withdraw, 2: WithdrawIntent, 3: FundingPayment, 4: RealizedPnl
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
kind | 0 |
kind | 1 |
kind | 2 |
kind | 3 |
kind | 4 |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Strategy updates data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"collateralAddress": "0x8ea76477cfaca8f7ea06477fd3c09a740ac6012a",
"amount": "1000",
"newAvailCollateral": "10000",
"newLockedCollateral": "0",
"kind": 0,
"blockNumber": "344100",
"txHash": "0xfcdae2edac7063ae3a3fb0e74b48816a0593644a3b2f5d701c8e5fafec70828e",
"newAvgEntryPrices": {
"BTCP": "51591.628081",
"ETHP": "4786.43076"
"fundingPayments": {
"BTCP": "17.918454670996998719225076469",
"ETHP": "-2.1938698405321453631273234871"
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Strategy Updates API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this strategy. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The hashed version of this strategy ID. |
»» collateralAddress | string,null | true | none | The collateral address on which this strategy update took place. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount that was modified in the strategy. |
»» newAvailCollateral | string,null | true | none | If affected, the updated available collateral amount after this strategy update. |
»» newLockedCollateral | string,null | true | none | If affected, the updated locked collateral amount after this strategy update. |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of strategy update. Values include: 0: Deposit, 1: Withdraw, 2: WithdrawIntent, 3: FundingPayment, 4: RealizedPnl |
»» blockNumber | string,null | true | none | The block number in which this strategy update was processed. |
»» txHash | string,null | true | none | The on-chain transaction hash corresponding to this strategy update (for Deposit and Withdraw kinds) |
»» newAvgEntryPrices | any | true | none | After a RealizedPnl strategy update, what the new average entry prices are for this strategies' open positions. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» fundingPayments | any | true | none | Payment distribution broken down by symbol due to the position's notional value and funding rate at the time of the funding event. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Trader updates
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/trader_updates',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/trader_updates', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/trader_updates
Returns all trader updates
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
kind | query | integer | false | The type of trader update. Multiple trader update values can be provided. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
ordinal | query | integer | false | The ordinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch and txOrdinal. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Detailed descriptions
kind: The type of trader update. Multiple trader update values can be provided. Values include: 0: Deposit 1: WithdrawDDX 2: ClaimDDXWithdraw 3: TradeMiningReward
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
kind | 0 |
kind | 1 |
kind | 2 |
kind | 3 |
kind | 4 |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Trader updates data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"ordinal": 0,
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"amount": "1000",
"newDdxBalance": "1200",
"kind": 0,
"payFeesInDdx": true,
"blockNumber": "344100",
"txHash": "0xfcdae2edac7063ae3a3fb0e74b48816a0593644a3b2f5d701c8e5fafec70828e",
"createdAt": "2023-01-06T16:37:27.929Z"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Trader Updates API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | none | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader. |
»» amount | string,null | true | none | The amount of DDX was modified in this trader. |
»» newDdxBalance | string,null | true | none | The new DDX balance after updating this trader. |
»» kind | number | true | none | The type of trader update. Values include: 0: Deposit 1: WithdrawDDX 2: ClaimDDXWithdraw 3: TradeMiningReward |
»» payFeesInDdx | boolean,null | true | none | A flag which when set will attempt to pay trading fees using the DDX held in this trader. |
»» blockNumber | string,null | true | none | The block number in which this strategy update was processed. |
»» txHash | string,null | true | none | The on-chain transaction hash corresponding to this trader update (for Deposit and ClaimDDXWithdraw kinds) |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | none | The time when this row was added to the database. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/traders',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/traders', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/traders
Returns all traders
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
offset | query | integer | false | The offset of returned rows |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Traders data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"availDdx": "1000",
"lockedDdx": "200",
"payFeesInDdx": true
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Traders API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» availDdx | string | true | none | The amount of DDX that the trader holds. |
»» lockedDdx | string | true | none | The amount of DDX that the trader has initiated for withdrawal. |
»» payFeesInDdx | boolean | true | none | A flag which indicates whether the trader wants to attempt to pay trading fees using their DDX balance. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Transaction Logs
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/tx_logs',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/tx_logs', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/tx_logs
Returns all transaction logs
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
eventKind | query | integer | false | The type of transaction log event. Values include: |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
epoch | query | integer | false | The epoch boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. |
txOrdinal | query | integer | false | The txOrdinal boundary used when fetching the next timeseries page. Must be passed along with epoch. |
order | query | string | false | The ordering of the results. |
Detailed descriptions
eventKind: The type of transaction log event. Values include: 0: Partial fill, 1: Complete fill, 2: Post, 3: Cancel, 4: Liquidation, 5: Strategy update, 6: Trader update, 7: Withdraw, 8: Withdraw DDX, 9: Price Checkpoint, 10: PnL Realization, 11: Funding, 12: Trade mining, 13: Specs update, 14: Insurance fund update, 15: Insurance fund withdraw, 16: Disaster recovery, 30: Cancel all, 60: Signer registered, 70: Fee distribution, 100: Epoch marker, 999: No transition
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
eventKind | 0 |
eventKind | 1 |
eventKind | 2 |
eventKind | 3 |
eventKind | 4 |
eventKind | 5 |
eventKind | 6 |
eventKind | 7 |
eventKind | 8 |
eventKind | 9 |
eventKind | 10 |
eventKind | 11 |
eventKind | 12 |
eventKind | 13 |
eventKind | 14 |
eventKind | 15 |
eventKind | 16 |
eventKind | 30 |
eventKind | 60 |
eventKind | 70 |
eventKind | 100 |
eventKind | 999 |
order | asc |
order | desc |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Transaction log data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextEpoch": 100,
"nextTxOrdinal": 3432,
"nextOrdinal": 100,
"value": [
"epochId": 100,
"txOrdinal": 3432,
"requestIndex": "24032",
"batchId": "string",
"timeValue": "2343",
"timeStamp": "1673294861956",
"stateRootHash": "0x070c27fdf7e15363044fe3384a50febfa5d4c9e4990a1ed3df6c4c4f41b51bbb",
"eventKind": 0,
"event": {
"c": {
"amount": "10000",
"trader": "0x006ffdc68e0e6709c11938d59b3a50b11a25957377",
"txHash": "0x0740398fe79ac316aeeaa430f651f5ba085fede0513aa9e1bf40c17b8aee9c77",
"strategyId": "main",
"updateKind": "Deposit",
"blockNumber": 610,
"collateralAddress": "0x8ea76477cfaca8f7ea06477fd3c09a740ac6012a"
"t": "StrategyUpdate"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the TxLog API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextEpoch | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the epoch boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextTxOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the txOrdinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» nextOrdinal | number,null | true | none | Pointer for the ordinal boundary of the next page. Will return null when there is no more data left to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» epochId | string | true | none | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | none | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» requestIndex | string | true | none | The index of the sequenced request from which this transaction originated. |
»» batchId | string | true | none | Numerical identifier for a batch of transactions. |
»» timeValue | string | true | none | The monotonic clock tick associated with this transaction log. |
»» timeStamp | string | true | none | The unix timestamp associated with this transaction log. |
»» stateRootHash | string | true | none | A hash representing the full state of the exchange, before processing this transaction log. |
»» eventKind | number | true | none | The type of transaction log event. Values include: 0: Partial fill, 1: Complete fill, 2: Post, 3: Cancel, 4: Liquidation, 5: Strategy update, 6: Trader update, 7: Withdraw, 8: Withdraw DDX, 9: Price Checkpoint, 10: PnL Realization, 11: Funding, 12: Trade mining, 13: Specs update, 14: Insurance fund update, 15: Insurance fund withdraw, 16: Disaster recovery, 30: Cancel all, 60: Signer registered, 70: Fee distribution, 100: Epoch marker, 999: No transition |
»» event | any | true | none | The transaction event in JSON format. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
These APIs return key status metrics.
Exchange status
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/status/exchange',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/status/exchange', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/status/exchange
Returns high level information about the exchange status.
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Exchange status data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"currentEpoch": "9958",
"latestOnChainCheckpoint": {
"latestOnChainCheckpoint": 9920,
"latestCheckpointTransactionLink": ""
"activeAddresses": "20"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Exchange Status API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | High level status information about the exchange |
»» latestOnChainCheckpoint | any | true | none | Information about the latest on-chain checkpoint. Returns null if there haven't been any on-chain checkpoints. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | object | false | none | Data about the latest on-chain checkpoint. |
»»»» latestOnChainCheckpoint | number | true | none | The latest on-chain checkpoint number. |
»»»» latestCheckpointTransactionLink | string,null | true | none | An etherscan link to the latest on-chain checkpoint transaction. |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»»» anonymous | null | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» activeAddresses | number | true | none | The number of active addresses on the exchange. Active addresses are defined as addresses that have deposited, withdrawn, or traded within the last 24 hours or have currently open positions. |
»» currentEpoch | string | true | none | The latest epoch on the Operator network. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
This APIs returns DDX circulating supply metrics.
Circulating supply
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/supply',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/supply', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/supply
Returns the current DDX circulating supply
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | DDX Circulating Supply | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": {
"circulatingSupply": "26094663"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Exchange Supply API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | object | true | none | The current circulating supply of DDX tokens |
»» circulatingSupply | string | true | none | The current circulating supply of DDX tokens. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Balance aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/balance',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/balance', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/balance
Returns the change of trader's balance for a specific strategy over a specific time period, looking back from the present
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Balance aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "0.9",
"timestamp": 1673308800
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Balance API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy id hash of the trader. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount. |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Funding rate payments aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/funding_rate_payments',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/funding_rate_payments', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/funding_rate_payments
Returns the change of trader's funding rate payments for a specific strategy over a specific time period, looking back from the present
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Funding rate payments aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "0.9",
"timestamp": 1673308800
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Funding Rate Payments API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy id hash of the trader. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount. |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Realized pnl aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/realized_pnl',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/realized_pnl', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/strategy/{strategyId}/realized_pnl
Returns the change of trader's realized pnl, per time period looking back from the present
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
strategyId | path | string | true | The strategy ID. |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Realized Pnl aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "0.9",
"timestamp": 1673308800
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Realized Pnl API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» strategyIdHash | string | true | none | The strategy id hash of the trader. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount. |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Volume aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/volume',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/volume', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/volume
Returns volume per time period looking back from the present
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
group | query | string | false | The grouping for the aggregation. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
lookbackTimestamp | query | number | false | The timestamp of the when to begin the lookback from. Each lookback query will return nextLookbackTimestamp in the response, which can be passed as a query parameter here to get the next page of results. |
Detailed descriptions
lookbackTimestamp: The timestamp of the when to begin the lookback from. Each lookback query will return nextLookbackTimestamp in the response, which can be passed as a query parameter here to get the next page of results.
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
group | symbol |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Volume aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextLookbackTimestamp": 1673384400,
"value": [
"timestamp": 1673308800,
"volume_overall": "164113411.21248"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Volume aggregation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextLookbackTimestamp | number,null | true | none | Time pointer for where the next lookback should begin. Pass this value as lookbackTimestamp to get the next page of data. Will also skip over gaps in the data to return the next non-null. aggregation period. When this value is null, it indicates there is no more data to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Trade Mining Rewards for the trader
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/trade_mining_rewards',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/trade_mining_rewards', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/account/{trader}/trade_mining_rewards
Returns the aggregation of a trader's trade mining rewards
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
trader | path | string | true | The trader address. |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Trade mining rewards aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"value": [
"trader": "0x00b993e587c15a9e0a0fe4f111de98fd6b5ce7067d",
"amount": "0.9",
"timestamp": 1673308800
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Trade Mining Rewards API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» trader | string | true | none | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant. |
»» amount | string | true | none | The amount. |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Collateral aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/collateral',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/collateral', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/collateral
Returns a rolling sum of collateral per time period grouped by the inflow and outflow types.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
startingValue | query | number | false | The partial total of this aggregation, used for rolling aggregation paging. |
fromEpoch | query | integer | false | The from epoch |
toEpoch | query | integer | false | The to epoch |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Collateral aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextStartingValue": "34000",
"value": [
"timestamp": 1673222400,
"collateral_deposits": "765000000",
"collateral_withdrawals": "-4125604.939779",
"collateral_fees": "-122277.669972",
"collateral_liquidations": "-339878.8954",
"collateral_overall": "760412238.494849"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Collateral aggregation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextStartingValue | string,null | true | none | The partial total for this aggregation, which can be passed as startingValue to get the next page for rolling aggregation type APIs. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
DDX aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/ddx',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/ddx', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/ddx
Returns a rolling sum of DDX per time period grouped by the inflow and outflow types.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
startingValue | query | number | false | The partial total of this aggregation, used for rolling aggregation paging. |
fromEpoch | query | integer | false | The from epoch |
toEpoch | query | integer | false | The to epoch |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | DDX aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextStartingValue": "34000",
"value": [
"timestamp": 1669680000,
"ddx_deposits": "2000000",
"ddx_withdrawals": "0",
"ddx_trade-mining-rewards": "0",
"ddx_fees": "0",
"ddx_overall": "2000000"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the DDX aggregaton API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextStartingValue | string,null | true | none | The partial total for this aggregation, which can be passed as startingValue to get the next page for rolling aggregation type APIs. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Fees aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/fees',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/fees', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/fees
Returns fees per time period looking back from the present
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
group | query | string | false | The grouping for the aggregation. |
symbol | query | string | false | The symbol |
feeSymbol | query | string | false | The fee symbol |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
lookbackCount | query | integer | false | The number of periods to look back from present. |
lookbackTimestamp | query | number | false | The timestamp of the when to begin the lookback from. Each lookback query will return nextLookbackTimestamp in the response, which can be passed as a query parameter here to get the next page of results. |
Detailed descriptions
lookbackTimestamp: The timestamp of the when to begin the lookback from. Each lookback query will return nextLookbackTimestamp in the response, which can be passed as a query parameter here to get the next page of results.
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
group | symbol |
group | feeSymbol |
feeSymbol | USDC |
feeSymbol | DDX |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Fees aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextLookbackTimestamp": 1673384400,
"value": [
"timestamp": 1671062400,
"fees_DDX": "5.823239",
"fees_USDC": "7.8"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Fees aggregation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextLookbackTimestamp | number,null | true | none | Time pointer for where the next lookback should begin. Pass this value as lookbackTimestamp to get the next page of data. Will also skip over gaps in the data to return the next non-null. aggregation period. When this value is null, it indicates there is no more data to fetch. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Insurance Fund aggregation
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/insurance_fund',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/insurance_fund', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/insurance_fund
Returns a rolling sum of insurance fund value per time period grouped by the inflow and outflow types.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
aggregationPeriod | query | string | false | The period for the aggregation. |
startingValue | query | number | false | The partial total of this aggregation, used for rolling aggregation paging. |
fromEpoch | query | integer | false | The from epoch |
toEpoch | query | integer | false | The to epoch |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
aggregationPeriod | week |
aggregationPeriod | day |
aggregationPeriod | hour |
aggregationPeriod | minute |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Insurance Fund aggregation data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
"nextStartingValue": "34000",
"value": [
"timestamp": 1669766400,
"insurance-fund_fees": "99.99534",
"insurance-fund_positive-liquidations": "0",
"insurance-fund_negative-liquidations": "0",
"insurance-fund_deposits": "0",
"insurance-fund_withdrawals": "0",
"insurance-fund_overall": "99.99534"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1673031089
Status Code 200
Successful response for the Insurance Fund aggregation API
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» nextStartingValue | string,null | true | none | The partial total for this aggregation, which can be passed as startingValue to get the next page for rolling aggregation type APIs. |
» value | [object] | true | none | The value of the response |
»» additionalProperties | string | false | none | none |
»» timestamp | number | true | none | The unix timestamp at the start of the aggregation period. |
» success | boolean | true | none | Whether the request was successful |
» timestamp | number | true | none | The timestamp of the response |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Top Traders
Code samples
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json'
result = RestClient.get '/stats/api/v1/aggregations/traders',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.get('/stats/api/v1/aggregations/traders', headers = headers)
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
GET /stats/api/v1/aggregations/traders
Returns the top N traders by volume
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
limit | query | integer | false | The number of rows to return |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Top Traders data | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad request | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Unexpected error | Inline |
Response Schema
Example responses
200 Response
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Status Code 500
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» success | boolean | true | none | none |
» errorMsg | any | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | string | false | none | none |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
»» anonymous | [object] | false | none | none |
Authenticated REST API
Users may send requests, including placing orders, canceling orders, and withdrawing funds.
Since requests modify system state, these requests must include an EIP-712 signature.
Please keep in mind, all sample requests displayed below are NOT encrypted. The reason for this is to more clearly display the formats of the various requests you may send. You MUST encrypt these messages prior to sending them to the exchange.
Place order
Request format (JSON)
"t": "Order",
"c": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"strategy": "main",
"side": "Bid",
"orderType": "Limit",
"nonce": "0x3136313839303336353634383833373230303000000000000000000000000000",
"amount": 10,
"price": 487.5,
"stopPrice": 0,
"signature": "0xd5a1ca6d40a030368710ab86d391e5d16164ea16d2c809894eefddd1658bb08c6898177aa492d4d45272ee41cb40f252327a23e8d1fc2af6904e8860d3f72b3b1b"
Request (Python)
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account.signers.local import (
import requests
import simplejson as json
from ddx_python.decimal import Decimal
from decimal import Decimal as PyDecimal
class OutputEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Custom JSON-encoder for serializing objects
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(OutputEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def default(self, o):
if type(o) == Decimal:
return PyDecimal(str(o))
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
def place_order(
web3_account: LocalAccount,
symbol: str,
strategy: str,
side: str,
order_type: str,
nonce: str,
amount: Decimal,
price: Decimal,
stop_price: Decimal,
verifying_contract_address: str,
chain_id: int,
# Refer to #derivadex-requests-signatures-and-hashing for
# these helper implementations.
eip712_domain_struct_hash = compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(
chain_id, verifying_contract_address
eip712_message_struct_hash = compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
symbol, strategy, side, order_type, nonce, amount, price, stop_price
eip712_hash = compute_eip712_hash(
eip191_header, eip712_domain_struct_hash, eip712_message_struct_hash
contents = {
"t": "Order",
"c": {
"symbol": symbol,
"strategy": strategy,
"side": side,
"orderType": order_type,
"nonce": nonce,
"amount": amount,
"price": price,
"stopPrice": stop_price,
"signature": web3_account.signHash(
# Encrypt request contents, please refer to
# #derivadex-requests-encryption.
encryption_key = requests.get(
encrypted_contents = encrypt_with_nonce(
encryption_key, OutputEncoder().encode(contents)
# Submit request."", data=encrypted_contents)
rpc_url = '<your_rpc_url>'
private_key = '<your_private_key>'
verifying_contract_address = '0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa'
chain_id = 11155111
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))
web3_account = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
You can place new orders by specifying specific attributes in the Order
request payload. These requests are subject to a set of validations.
type | field | description |
string | t | Request type, which in this case will be Order |
dict | c | Request contents containing the order being placed |
string | c.symbol | Name of the market to trade. Currently, this is limited to ETHP or BTCP , but new symbols are coming soon! |
string | c.strategy | Name of the cross-margined strategy this trade belongs to. Currently, this is limited to the default main strategy, but support for multiple strategies is coming soon! |
string | c.side | Side of trade, either Bid (buy/long) or an Ask (sell/short) |
string | c.orderType | Order type, either Limit or Market . Other order types coming soon! |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | An incrementing numeric identifier for this request that is unique per user for all time |
decimal | c.amount | The order amount/size requested |
decimal | c.price | The order price (If orderType is Market , this must be set to 0 ) |
decimal | c.stopPrice | Currently, always set to 0 as stops are not implemented. |
bytes_s | c.signature | EIP-712 signature of the order placement intent |
To be more explicit, all of these fields must be passed in, even if not all of the fields apply due to certain functionalities not currently implemented (i.e. stops) or the fact that prices aren't applicable in the case of market orders. Please follow the guidelines specified in the table above around these conditions.
Receipt (success) format (JSON)
"t": "Sequenced",
"c": {
"nonce": "0x3136323631383732373739373732303230303000000000000000000000000000",
"requestHash": "0xdfcdd015a63119477e456e48ab16a6324cb4820b99c47d8a0520f1d43834d7ef",
"requestIndex": 54913,
"sender": "0xe36ea790bc9d7ab70c55260c66d52b1eca985f84",
"enclaveSignature": "0x69865fca4901d21c84e1fd9b12b0e6ba4d7f7a885594fa8a1aa4dfdaf0dc7b6f433069b38c7822d215e55b3d46118ed012c874bf524fe73cb6aafe9adb42d3e81c"
A place order request returns a response receipt, which confirms that an Operator has received the request and has sequenced it for processing. The receipt type
will be either Sequenced
or Error
A successful request returns a Sequenced
receipt from the Operator. DerivaDEX Operators execute code within a trusted execution environment. The enclaveSignature affirms that this environment has the security guarantees associated with Intel SGX TEEs.
type | field | description |
string | t | Message type, which in this case will be Sequenced |
dict | c | Message contents |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | The same nonce that was passed in the initial request, which can be used to correlate your initial requests with receipts |
bytes32_s | c.requestHash | Hash of the request |
int | c.requestIndex | A ticket number which guarantees fair sequencing. All tickets are processed and handled by the exchange in order of this requestIndex . |
address_s | c.sender | The request sender's Ethereum address |
bytes_s | c.enclaveSignature | An Operator's signature which proves secure handling of the request |
Receipt (error) format (JSON)
"t": "Error",
"c": {
"message": "Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded"
An erroneous request returns an Error
receipt from the Operator.
type | field | description |
string | msg | Error message |
Cancel order
Request format (JSON)
"t": "CancelOrder",
"c": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"orderHash": "0xedee9c27b4fc64a481bd45c145eaf35806d6ad49ca0c68890a00000000000000",
"nonce": "0x3136323635353034303835323735383330303000000000000000000000000000",
"signature": "0xee6c271fc010e25fb28556b39f8999d832485b03335c9c4a5ceca84455ce6bb205483995f5240e62adeb50bda12ed8db67a990c0930e5512709b3bcff4a98ca01b"
Request (Python)
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account.signers.local import (
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
import requests
import simplejson as json
from ddx_python.decimal import Decimal
from decimal import Decimal as PyDecimal
class OutputEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Custom JSON-encoder for serializing objects
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(OutputEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def default(self, o):
if type(o) == Decimal:
return PyDecimal(str(o))
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
def cancel_order(
web3_account: LocalAccount,
symbol: str,
order_hash: str,
nonce: str,
verifying_contract_address: str,
chain_id: int,
# Refer to #derivadex-requests-signatures-and-hashing for
# these helper implementations.
eip712_domain_struct_hash = compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(
chain_id, verifying_contract_address
eip712_message_struct_hash = compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
eip712_hash = compute_eip712_hash(
eip191_header, eip712_domain_struct_hash, eip712_message_struct_hash
contents = {
"t": "CancelOrder",
"c": {
"symbol": symbol,
"orderHash": f"0x{zpad32_right(bytes.fromhex(order_hash[2:])).hex()}",
"nonce": nonce,
"signature": web3_account.signHash(
# Encrypt request contents, please refer to
# #derivadex-requests-encryption.
encryption_key = requests.get(
encrypted_contents = encrypt_with_nonce(
encryption_key, OutputEncoder().encode(contents)
# Submit request."", data=encrypted_contents)
rpc_url = '<your_rpc_url>'
private_key = '<your_private_key>'
verifying_contract_address = '0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa'
chain_id = 11155111
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))
web3_account = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
You can cancel existing orders by specifying specific attributes in the CancelOrder
request's payload.
type | field | description |
string | t | Request type, which in this case will be CancelOrder |
dict | c | Request contents containing the order being canceled |
string | c.symbol | Currently always ETHP or BTCP . New symbols coming soon! |
bytes32_s | c.orderHash | The first 25 bytes of the order's unique hash that is being canceled. |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | An incrementing numeric identifier for this request that is unique per user for all time |
bytes_s | c.signature | EIP-712 signature of the order cancellation request |
As described in the Signatures & hashing
section, the orderHash
is something that you construct client-side prior to submitting the order to the exchange. In this regard, you have the orderHash
for each order you submit irrespective of acknowledgement from the exchange. However, you likely will fire order cancellations after you have already had acknowledgement of placement receipt from the exchange. You can obtain the order hashes of your open orders using appropriately defined REST requests or WebSocket subscriptions.
Receipt (success) format (JSON)
"t": "Sequenced",
"c": {
"nonce": "0x3136323635353034303835323735383330303000000000000000000000000000",
"requestHash": "0xdab45fe8ddac0cf1231f79bf4fcbfa847606f45341b446d143b0b0688aa7eed0",
"requestIndex": 108095,
"sender": "0xe36ea790bc9d7ab70c55260c66d52b1eca985f84",
"enclaveSignature": "0x040d24750b994b3603cabb4097093bc310fbfcbe88246501fac4f1d9a441798b20a09eedfdbe52a576cba17ed3986984ba0bfe4a8a3141a525759e7c39f49a441b"
A cancel order request returns a response receipt, which confirms that an Operator has received the request and has sequenced it for processing. The receipt type
will be either Sequenced
or Error
A successful request returns a Received
receipt from the Operator. DerivaDEX Operators execute code within a trusted execution environment. The enclaveSignature affirms that this environment has the security guarantees associated with Intel SGX TEEs.
type | field | description |
string | t | Message type, which in this case will be Sequenced |
dict | c | Message contents |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | The same nonce that was passed in the initial request, which can be used to correlate your initial requests with receipts |
bytes32_s | c.requestHash | Hash of the request |
int | c.requestIndex | A ticket number which guarantees fair sequencing. All tickets are processed and handled by the exchange in order of this requestIndex . |
address_s | c.sender | The request sender's Ethereum address |
bytes_s | c.enclaveSignature | An Operator's signature which proves secure handling of the request |
Receipt (error) format (JSON)
"t": "Error",
"c": {
"message": "Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded"
An erroneous request returns an Error
receipt from the Operator.
type | field | description |
string | msg | Error message |
Cancel all
Request format (JSON)
"t": "CancelAll",
"c": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"strategyId": "main",
"nonce": "0x3136323635353034303835323735383330303000000000000000000000000000",
"signature": "0xee6c271fc010e25fb28556b39f8999d832485b03335c9c4a5ceca84455ce6bb205483995f5240e62adeb50bda12ed8db67a990c0930e5512709b3bcff4a98ca01b"
Request (Python)
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account.signers.local import (
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
import requests
import simplejson as json
from ddx_python.decimal import Decimal
from decimal import Decimal as PyDecimal
class OutputEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Custom JSON-encoder for serializing objects
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(OutputEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def default(self, o):
if type(o) == Decimal:
return PyDecimal(str(o))
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
def cancel_all(
web3_account: LocalAccount,
strategy: str,
symbol: str,
nonce: str,
verifying_contract_address: str,
chain_id: int,
# Refer to #derivadex-requests-signatures-and-hashing for
# these helper implementations.
eip712_domain_struct_hash = compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(
eip712_message_struct_hash = compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
eip712_hash = compute_eip712_hash(
contents = {
"t": "CancelAll",
"c": {
"symbol": symbol,
"strategyId": strategy,
"nonce": nonce,
"signature": web3_account.signHash(
# Encrypt request contents, please refer to
# #derivadex-requests-encryption.
encryption_key = requests.get(
encrypted_contents = encrypt_with_nonce(
encryption_key, OutputEncoder().encode(contents)
# Submit request.
rpc_url = '<your_rpc_url>'
private_key = '<your_private_key>'
verifying_contract_address = '0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa'
chain_id = 11155111
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))
web3_account = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
You can cancel all existing orders by specifying specific attributes in the CancelAll
request's payload.
type | field | description |
string | t | Request type, which in this case will be CancelOrder |
dict | c | Request contents containing the order being canceled |
string | c.symbol | Name of the market to trade. Currently, this is limited to ETHP or BTCP , but new symbols are coming soon! |
string | c.strategyId | Name of the cross-margined strategy this trade belongs to. Currently, this is limited to the default main strategy, but support for multiple strategies is coming soon! |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | An incrementing numeric identifier for this request that is unique per user for all time |
bytes_s | c.signature | EIP-712 signature of the order cancellation request |
Receipt (success) format (JSON)
"t": "Sequenced",
"c": {
"nonce": "0x3136323635353034303835323735383330303000000000000000000000000000",
"requestHash": "0xdab45fe8ddac0cf1231f79bf4fcbfa847606f45341b446d143b0b0688aa7eed0",
"requestIndex": 108095,
"sender": "0xe36ea790bc9d7ab70c55260c66d52b1eca985f84",
"enclaveSignature": "0x040d24750b994b3603cabb4097093bc310fbfcbe88246501fac4f1d9a441798b20a09eedfdbe52a576cba17ed3986984ba0bfe4a8a3141a525759e7c39f49a441b"
A cancel all request
returns a response receipt, which confirms that an Operator has received the request and has sequenced it for processing. The receipt type
will be either Sequenced
or Error
A successful request
returns a Received
receipt from the Operator. DerivaDEX Operators execute code within a trusted execution environment. The enclaveSignature affirms that this environment has the security guarantees associated with Intel SGX TEEs.
type | field | description |
string | t | Message type, which in this case will be Sequenced |
dict | c | Message contents |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | The same nonce that was passed in the initial request, which can be used to correlate your initial requests with receipts |
bytes32_s | c.requestHash | Hash of the request |
int | c.requestIndex | A ticket number which guarantees fair sequencing. All tickets are processed and handled by the exchange in order of this requestIndex . |
address_s | c.sender | The request sender's Ethereum address |
bytes_s | c.enclaveSignature | An Operator's signature which proves secure handling of the request |
Receipt (error) format (JSON)
"t": "Error",
"c": {
"message": "Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded"
An erroneous request returns an Error
receipt from the Operator.
type | field | description |
string | msg | Error message |
Request format (JSON)
"t": "Withdraw",
"c": {
"strategyId": "main",
"currency": "0x41082c820342539de44c1b404fead3b4b39e15d6",
"amount": 440.32,
"nonce": "0x3136313839303336353634383833373230303000000000000000000000000000",
"signature": "0xd5a1ca6d40a030368710ab86d391e5d16164ea16d2c809894eefddd1658bb08c6898177aa492d4d45272ee41cb40f252327a23e8d1fc2af6904e8860d3f72b3b1b"
Request (Python)
from web3 import Web3
from eth_account.signers.local import (
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
import requests
import simplejson as json
from ddx_python.decimal import Decimal
from decimal import Decimal as PyDecimal
class OutputEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
Custom JSON-encoder for serializing objects
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(OutputEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def default(self, o):
if type(o) == Decimal:
return PyDecimal(str(o))
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
def withdraw(
web3_account: LocalAccount,
strategy: str,
currency: str,
amount: Decimal,
nonce: str,
verifying_contract_address: str,
chain_id: int,
# Refer to #derivadex-requests-signatures-and-hashing for
# these helper implementations.
eip712_domain_struct_hash = compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(
eip712_message_struct_hash = compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
eip712_hash = compute_eip712_hash(
contents = {
"t": "Withdraw",
"c": {
"strategyId": strategy,
"currency": currency,
"amount": amount,
"nonce": nonce,
"signature": web3_account.signHash(
# Encrypt request contents, please refer to
# #derivadex-requests-encryption.
encryption_key = requests.get(
encrypted_contents = encrypt_with_nonce(
encryption_key, OutputEncoder().encode(contents)
# Submit request.
rpc_url = '<your_rpc_url>'
private_key = '<your_private_key>'
verifying_contract_address = '0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa'
chain_id = 5
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))
web3_account = w3.eth.account.from_key(private_key)
You can signal withdrawal intents to the Operators by specifying specific attributes in the Withdraw
request's payload. Withdrawal is a 2-step process: submitting a withdrawal intent, and performing a smart contract withdrawal. Once a withdrawal intent is initiated, you won"t be able to trade with the collateral you are attempting to withdraw. You will only be able to formally initiate a smart contract withdrawal/token transfer once the epoch in which you signal your withdrawal desire has concluded.
type | field | description |
string | t | Request type, which in this case will be Withdraw |
dict | c | Request contents containing the withdrawal data |
string | c.strategyId | Name of the cross-margined strategy this withdrawal belongs to. Currently, this is limited to the default main strategy, but support for multiple strategies is coming soon! |
address_s | c.currency | ERC-20 token address being withdrawn |
decimal | c.amount | Amount withdrawn (be sure to use the grains format specific to the collateral token being used (e.g. if you wanted to withdraw 1 USDC, you would enter 1000000 since the USDC token contract has 6 decimal places) |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | An incrementing numeric identifier for this request that is unique per user for all time |
bytes_s | c.signature | EIP-712 signature for the withdrawal request |
Receipt (success) format (JSON)
"t": "Sequenced",
"c": {
"nonce": "0x3136323631383732373739373732303230303000000000000000000000000000",
"requestHash": "0xdfcdd015a63119477e456e48ab16a6324cb4820b99c47d8a0520f1d43834d7ef",
"requestIndex": 54913,
"sender": "0xe36ea790bc9d7ab70c55260c66d52b1eca985f84",
"enclaveSignature": "0x69865fca4901d21c84e1fd9b12b0e6ba4d7f7a885594fa8a1aa4dfdaf0dc7b6f433069b38c7822d215e55b3d46118ed012c874bf524fe73cb6aafe9adb42d3e81c"
A withdraw request
returns a response receipt, which confirms that an Operator has received the request and has sequenced it for processing. The receipt type
will be either Received
or Error
A successful request
returns a Received
receipt from the Operator. DerivaDEX Operators execute code within a trusted execution environment. The enclaveSignature affirms that this environment has the security guarantees associated with Intel SGX TEEs.
type | field | description |
string | t | Message type, which in this case will be Sequenced |
dict | c | Message contents |
bytes32_s | c.nonce | The same nonce that was passed in the initial request, which can be used to correlate your initial requests with receipts |
bytes32_s | c.requestHash | Hash of the request |
int | c.requestIndex | A ticket number which guarantees fair sequencing. All tickets are processed and handled by the exchange in order of this requestIndex . |
address_s | c.sender | The request sender's Ethereum address |
bytes_s | c.enclaveSignature | An Operator's signature which proves secure handling of the request |
Receipt (error) format (JSON)
"t": "Error",
"c": {
"message": "Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded"
An erroneous request returns an Error
receipt from the Operator.
type | field | description |
string | msg | Error message |
Signatures and hashing
All [requests
] on the API must be signed. The payload you will sign using an Ethereum wallet client of your choice (e.g. ethers, web3.js,, etc.) will need to be hashed as per the EIP-712 standard. We highly recommend referring to the original proposal for full context, but in short, this standard introduced a framework by which users can securely sign typed structured data. This greatly improves the crypto UX as users can now sign data they see and understand as opposed to unreadable byte-strings. While these benefits may not be readily apparent for programmatic traders, you will need to conform to this standard regardless.
EIP-712 hashing consists of three critical components - a header
, domain
struct hash, and message
struct hash.
Sample EIP-191 header definition
bytes2 eip191_header = 0x1901;
eip191_header = b"\x19\x01"
The header
is simply the byte-string \x19\x01
. You are welcome to do this however you like, but it must adhere to the standard eventually, otherwise the signature will not ultimately successfully recover. Example Solidity and Python reference implementations are displayed on the right, but feel free to utilize whichever language, tooling, and abstractions you see fit.
Domain separator for sepolia. DO NOT modify these parameters.
"name": "DerivaDEX",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 11155111,
"verifyingContract": "0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa"
Sample computation of domain struct hash
function compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(
string memory _name,
string memory _version,
uint256 _chainId,
address _verifyingContract
) public view returns (bytes32) {
// keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the domain separator
bytes32 domainSchemaHash =
'string name,',
'string version,',
'uint256 chainId,',
'address verifyingContract',
bytes32 domainStructHash =
return domainStructHash;
from eth_abi import encode
from eth_utils.crypto import keccak
def compute_eip712_domain_struct_hash(chain_id: int, verifying_contract: str) -> bytes:
return keccak(
+ b"string name,"
+ b"string version,"
+ b"uint256 chainId,"
+ b"address verifyingContract"
+ b")"
+ keccak(b"DerivaDEX")
+ keccak(b"1")
+ encode(["uint256"], [chain_id])
+ encode(["address"], [verifying_contract])
The domain
is a mandatory field that allows for signature/hashing schemes on one dApp to be unique to itself from other dApps. All requests use the same domain
specification. The parameters that comprise the domain are as follows:
type | field | description |
string | name | Name of the dApp or protocol |
string | version | Current version of the signing domain |
uint256 | chainId | EIP-155 chain ID |
address | verifyingContract | DerivaDEX smart contract's Ethereum address |
To generate the domain
struct hash, you must perform a series of encodings and hashings of the schema and contents of the domain
specfication. You are welcome to do this however you like, but it must adhere to the standard eventually, otherwise the signature will not ultimately successfully recover. Example Solidity and Python reference implementations are displayed on the right, but feel free to utilize whichever language, tooling, and abstractions you see fit.
The message
field varies depending on the typed data you are signing, and is illustrated on a case-by-case basis below.
Place order
Sample computation of place order message struct hash
function compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
bytes32 _symbol,
bytes32 _strategy,
uint256 _side,
uint256 _orderType,
bytes32 _nonce,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _price,
uint256 _stopPrice
) public view returns (bytes32) {
// keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the order params struct
bytes32 eip712SchemaHash =
'bytes32 symbol,',
'bytes32 strategy,',
'uint256 side,',
'uint256 orderType,',
'bytes32 nonce,',
'uint256 amount,',
'uint256 price,',
'uint256 stopPrice',
bytes32 messageStructHash =
return messageStructHash;
from eth_utils.crypto import keccak
from eth_abi import encode
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
from ddx_python.decimal import Decimal
def compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
symbol: str,
strategy: str,
side: str,
order_type: str,
nonce: str,
amount: Decimal,
price: Decimal,
stop_price: Decimal,
) -> bytes:
# keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the place order request
eip712_schema_hash = keccak(
+ b"bytes32 symbol,"
+ b"bytes32 strategy,"
+ b"uint256 side,"
+ b"uint256 orderType,"
+ b"bytes32 nonce,"
+ b"uint256 amount,"
+ b"uint256 price,"
+ b"uint256 stopPrice"
+ b")"
# Ensure decimal value has no more than 6 decimals of precision
def round_to_unit(val: Decimal) -> Decimal:
return val.quantize(6)
# Scale up to DDX grains format (i.e. multiply by 1e18)
def to_base_unit_amount(val: Decimal, decimals: int) -> int:
return int(round_to_unit(val) * 10**decimals)
# Convert order side string to int representation
def order_side_to_int(order_side: str) -> int:
if order_side == "Bid":
return 0
elif order_side == "Ask":
return 1
return 2
# Convert order type string to int representation
def order_type_to_int(order_type: str) -> int:
if order_type == "Limit":
return 0
elif order_type == "Market":
return 1
return 2
return keccak(
+ zpad32_right(
len(symbol).to_bytes(1, byteorder="little") + symbol.encode("utf8")
+ zpad32_right(
len(strategy).to_bytes(1, byteorder="little") + strategy.encode("utf8")
+ encode(["uint256"], [order_side_to_int(side)])
+ encode(["uint256"], [order_type_to_int(order_type)])
+ encode(["bytes32"], [bytes.fromhex(nonce[2:])])
+ encode(["uint256"], [to_base_unit_amount(amount, 6)])
+ encode(["uint256"], [to_base_unit_amount(price, 6)])
+ encode(["uint256"], [to_base_unit_amount(stop_price, 6)])
The parameters that comprise the message
for the request to place an order are as follows:
type | field | description |
bytes32 | symbol | 32-byte encoding of the symbol length and symbol this order is for. The symbol of the order you send to the API is a string, however for signing purposes, you must bytes-encode and pad accordingly. |
bytes32 | strategy | 32-byte encoding of the strategy length and strategy this order belongs to. The strategy of the order you send to the API is a string, however for signing purposes, you must bytes-encode and pad accordingly. The strategy refers to the cross-margined bucket this trade belongs to. Currently, there is only the default main strategy, but support for multiple strategies is coming soon! |
uint256 | side | An integer value either 0 (Bid) or 1 (Ask) |
uint256 | orderType | An integer value either 0 (Limit) or 1 (Market) |
bytes32 | nonce | 32-byte value (an incrementing numeric identifier that is unique per user for all time) resulting in uniqueness of order |
uint256 | amount | Order amount (scaled up by 6 decimals; e.g. 2.5 => 2500000). The amount of the order you send to the API is a decimal, however for signing purposes, you must scale up by 6 decimals and convert to an integer. |
uint256 | price | Order price (scaled up by 6 decimals; e.g. 2001.37 => 2001370000). The price of the order you send to the API is a decimal, however for signing purposes, you must scale up by 6 decimals and convert to an integer. |
uint256 | stopPrice | Stop price (scaled up by 6 decimals). The stopPrice of the order you send to the API is a decimal, however for signing purposes, you must scale up by 6 decimals and convert to an integer. |
Take special note of the transformations done on several fields as described in the table above. In other words, the order intent you submit to the API will have different representations for some fields than the order intent you hash. You are welcome to do this however you like, but it must adhere to the standard eventually, otherwise the signature will not ultimately successfully recover. Example Solidity and Python reference implementations are displayed on the right, but feel free to utilize whichever language, tooling, and abstractions you see fit.
Cancel order
Sample computation of cancel order message struct hash
function compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(bytes32 _symbol, bytes32 _orderHash, bytes32 _nonce) public view returns (bytes32) {
// keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the cancel order params struct
bytes32 eip712SchemaHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
"bytes32 symbol,",
"bytes32 orderHash,",
"bytes32 nonce",
bytes32 messageStructHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
return messageStructHash;
from eth_abi import encode
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
from eth_utils.crypto import keccak
def compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(
symbol: str, order_hash: str, nonce: str
) -> bytes:
# keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the cancel order request
eip712_schema_hash = keccak(
+ b"bytes32 symbol,"
+ b"bytes32 orderHash,"
+ b"bytes32 nonce"
+ b")"
return keccak(
+ zpad32_right(
len(symbol).to_bytes(1, byteorder="little") + symbol.encode("utf8")
+ encode(["bytes32"], [bytes.fromhex(order_hash[2:])])
+ encode(["bytes32"], [bytes.fromhex(nonce[2:])])
The parameters that comprise the message
for the request to cancel an order are as follows:
type | field | description |
bytes32 | symbol | 32-byte encoding of the symbol length and symbol this order is for. The symbol of the order you send to the API is a string, however for signing purposes, you must bytes-encode and pad accordingly. |
bytes32 | orderHash | 32-byte EIP-712 hash of the order at the time of placement |
bytes32 | nonce | 32-byte value (an incrementing numeric identifier that is unique per user for all time) resulting in uniqueness of order cancellation |
Cancel all
Sample computation of cancel all message struct hash
function compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(bytes32 _strategy, bytes32 _nonce) public view returns (bytes32) {
// keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the cancel all params struct
bytes32 eip712SchemaHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
"bytes32 symbol,",
"bytes32 strategy,",
"bytes32 nonce",
bytes32 messageStructHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
return messageStructHash;
from eth_abi import encode
from eth_abi.utils.padding import zpad32_right
from eth_utils.crypto import keccak
def compute_eip712_message_struct_hash(strategy: str, nonce: str) -> bytes:
# keccak-256 hash of the encoded schema for the cancel all request
eip712_schema_hash = keccak(
b"CancelAllParams(" + b"bytes32 symbol" + b"bytes32 strategy," + b"bytes32 nonce" + b")"
return keccak(
+ zpad32_right(
len(strategy).to_bytes(1, byteorder="little") + strategy.encode("utf8")
+ encode(["bytes32"], [bytes.fromhex(nonce[2:])])
The parameters that comprise the message
for the request to cancel an order are as follows:
type | field | description |
bytes32 | strategy | 32-byte encoding of the strategy length and strategy this order belongs to. The strategy of the order you send to the API is a string, however for signing purposes, you must bytes-encode and pad accordingly. The strategy refers to the cross-margined bucket this trade belongs to. Currently, there is only the default main strategy, but support for multiple strategies is coming soon! |
bytes32 | nonce | 32-byte value (an incrementing numeric identifier that is unique per user for all time) resulting in uniqueness of order cancellation |
Tying it all together
Computing the final EIP-712 hash
function compute_eip712_hash(
bytes2 _eip191_header,
bytes32 _domainStructHash,
bytes32 _messageStructHash
) public view returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_eip191_header, _domainStructHash, _messageStructHash));
from eth_utils.crypto import keccak
def compute_eip712_hash(eip191_header: bytes, eip712_domain_struct_hash: bytes, eip712_message_struct_hash: bytes) -> str:
# Converting bytes result to a hexadecimal string
return keccak(
+ eip712_domain_struct_hash
+ eip712_message_struct_hash
To derive the final EIP-712 hash of the typed data you will sign, you will need to keccak256
hash the header
, eip712_domain_struct_hash
, and eip712_message_struct_hash
(will vary depending on which request specifically you are sending). You are welcome to do this however you like, but it must adhere to the standard eventually, otherwise the signature will not ultimately successfully recover. Example Solidity and Python reference implementations are displayed on the right, but feel free to utilize whichever language, tooling, and abstractions you see fit.
Please feel free to use these ground truth samples to validate your EIP-712 hashing implementation for correctness. For the following samples, assume a chainId = 11155111
and verifyingContract = 0xd9239543d15fb9479f2cc9951b45432ba4221bfa
Place order
The following sample order placement data results in an EIP-712 hash of: 0x1755cce1ec303da618937c7a1654e43b80bd6106fd88563457dc20f2bd979dd1
field | value |
symbol | "ETHP" |
strategy | "main" |
side | "Bid" |
orderType | "Limit" |
nonce | "0x3136393832323235373738313438313430303000000000000000000000000000" |
amount | 51.5 |
price | 1762.4 |
stopPrice | 0 |
Cancel order
The following sample cancellation data results in an EIP-712 hash of: 0xaeaccd96f66406d1dcfbdf4e94cb77ead89fb0e369eca88cc9e14c3007e4a1f7
field | value |
symbol | "ETHP" |
orderHash | "0xdc15c175ed2cf4613362f81d9c2fd50c3444af2b33af2c5bd6" |
nonce | "0x3136393832323333303030393036383930303000000000000000000000000000" |
Cancel all
The following sample cancellation data results in an EIP-712 hash of: 0x9c6adbbbb7c15e33e1e1d69eae3ca5031432068fb35cdffcd6a771ac95818970
field | value |
strategy | "main" |
nonce | "0x3136393832323431363235313430323730303000000000000000000000000000" |
Sample encryption (JSON)
// Sample unencrypted order placement request
"t": "Order",
"c": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"strategy": "main",
"side": "Ask",
"orderType": "Limit",
"nonce": "0x3136323737363235343138383430383030303000000000000000000000000000",
"amount": 10.6,
"price": 2472.1,
"stopPrice": 0,
"signature": "0x1b1f419961c742861a41396f14892ea4a665b7b89086637d37d53ec20364a7ef3aaf1e1472867f5a18fa3f27a2748ed16c603eccd13472cfd61d43df1c3ed22a1b"
// Sample encrypted order placement request
Sample encryption implementation (Python)
from coincurve import PublicKey, PrivateKey
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Hash import keccak
def encrypt_with_nonce(encryption_key: str, msg: str) -> bytes:
Encrypt the JSON-stringified request contents
encryption_key: str
Encryption key
msg : str
JSON-stringified request contents
network_public_key = PublicKey(bytes.fromhex(encryption_key[2:]))
my_secret_key = PrivateKey(get_random_bytes(32))
my_public_key = my_secret_key.public_key
shared_pub = network_public_key.multiply(my_secret_key.secret)
keccak_256 =
derived_key = keccak_256.digest()[:16]
nonce = get_random_bytes(12)
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)
encoded_message = msg.encode("utf8")
ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(
len(encoded_message).to_bytes(4, byteorder="big") + encoded_message
return ciphertext + tag + nonce + my_public_key.format()
DerivaDEX is a front-running resistant decentralized exchange, achieved with sending encrypted data that can only be decrypted from inside the Operator's trusted hardware. All requests must be encrypted using an AES-GCM128 scheme. The encryption steps are as follows:
Generate n 16-byte (128-bit) ECDH shared key using the operator's public key (
, which can be obtained from this endpoint) and a 32-byte private key of your choosing (you can randomly generate this each time you are sending a request). Make sure you are using akeccak256
ECDH key generation scheme, but since you need a 16-byte shared key, make sure you take only the first 16 bytes of the 32-byte key generated. -
Generate a 12-byte random nonce
Setup the payload you want to encrypt, which is the bytes-encoded request's contents prefixed with a 4-byte value indicating the length of this bytes-encoded request's contents
Generate the ciphertext and MAC tag using AES-GCM128
Return the encrypted bytes in the format of [ciphertext][tag][nonce][client_public_key_compressed_format]
To validate your encryption implementation for correctness (assuming you are not using the DerivaDEX Python client library), please reference what follows and the display on the right:
- Step 1: Assuming a random client secret key of
, you may arrive at a ECDH shared key of0x9e9f36797212e683f971a140086a3e74
- Step 2: Assume a random nonce of
- Step 3: Assuming a stringified unencrypted order placement message content of the following form
{"t": "Order", "c": {"symbol": "ETHP", "strategy": "main", "side": "Ask", "orderType": "Limit", "nonce": "0x3136323737363235343138383430383030303000000000000000000000000000", "amount": 10.6, "price": 2472.1, "stopPrice": 0, "signature": "0x1b1f419961c742861a41396f14892ea4a665b7b89086637d37d53ec20364a7ef3aaf1e1472867f5a18fa3f27a2748ed16c603eccd13472cfd61d43df1c3ed22a1b"}}
, you may arrive at a bytes-encoded payload (prefixed with the length) to encrypt of: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
- Step 4: The above may generate a ciphertext of
and a tag of0x41d734fdbd8873fe16702ce5cf5a9f72
- Step 5: After deriving the public key from the secret key from Step 1 (
), you may arrive at the final encrypted message of: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
Realtime API
Connect to the realtime-api websocket through the /realtime-api
Outgoing Messages
Once a websocket connection is established, clients can send one of the following messages as stringified JSON to the socket.
Example subscribe message
"action": "subscribe",
"feeds": [
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L2",
"params": {
"aggregation": "1",
"symbol": "ETHP"
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | The type of action to take |
feeds | array | A list of feed subscription objects |
» feed | string | The name of the feed |
» params | object | The parameters for the specific feed subscription |
Example unsubscribe message
"action": "unsubscribe",
"feeds": ["ORDER_BOOK_L2"]
Name | Type | Description |
action | string | The type of action to take |
feeds | array | A list of feed subscription names to unsubscribe from |
Order Book L3
Subscription Message
Example Order Book L3 subscription object
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L3",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
Feed Message
Example Order Book L3 feed message
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L3",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": [
"orderHash": "0xcd9fffde000459dc5eda283aaf33cbbb1ab4ff37b030b38c76",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"originalAmount": "3.6",
"amount": "3.6",
"price": "7202.5",
"traderAddress": "0x00535f09feea416b70a05d9dcb57257e2c24197249",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "0"
"orderHash": "0x4cb74a8659981905b40af61ff7ec7b244ba4a15963c2675cba",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"originalAmount": "2.4",
"amount": "2.4",
"price": "9341.8",
"traderAddress": "0x00611c721f4cf33ce857bf8b3c519c82a6f64356e2",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "1"
"orderHash": "0xebf50a16b5c58a9cc85da3ee51c8bb8de77465e0ffa5f7b53c",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"originalAmount": "2.4",
"amount": "2.4",
"price": "7997.2",
"traderAddress": "0x00ed039448c830083fb01577c8b36db412f289be82",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "2"
"orderHash": "0x20645d113e0039075a1f1fbe15e61942245ff011ccaad03d1f",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"originalAmount": "1.1",
"amount": "1.1",
"price": "3992.1",
"traderAddress": "0x00bd80de4f89a5c141ba3b5f8c7a76b25c164ab702",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "29"
"orderHash": "0xc203e6ea2225dfc75b8b2ab62818285e77761ee52d5303be87",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"originalAmount": "3.8",
"amount": "3.8",
"price": "1668.5",
"traderAddress": "0x0022af1cadca90c6b8097f19f40e0d0a442b9a75d8",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "30"
"ordinal": 0
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L3",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"orderHash": "0x7190696d03dbc9ad9a8bff3adda69155e5a54c92c04d8a78e6",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"originalAmount": "3.8",
"amount": "3.8",
"price": "468.5",
"traderAddress": "0x00a0e5c79803c14d61cc1c33e497aaafed509e29c6",
"strategyId": "main",
"bookOrdinal": "43"
"ordinal": 1
Upon subscribing, the Order Book L3 Feed will first return a message reflecting the current state of the Order Book (called a partial). Subsequent messages will contain updates to that initial state. An amount of "0" is sent in an update to reflect that the order book row is no longer present.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» aggregation | string | true | The order book aggregation |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» orderHash | string | true | A hash of the order details. |
»» symbol | string | true | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | string | true | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» originalAmount | string | true | The original order amount (before any fills). |
»» amount | string | true | The order amount currently left on this order. |
»» price | string | true | The order price. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» bookOrdinal | string | true | The ordinal of when this order arrived on the book. |
Order Book L2
Subscription Message
Example Order Book L2 subscription object
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L2",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"aggregation": "10"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» aggregation | string | true | The order book aggregation |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
ETHP L2 aggregation choices
["0.1", "1", "10"]
BTCP L2 aggregation choices
["1", "10", "100"]
Note: Clients can subscribe to all symbols by omiting the symbol parameter in the subcription object, but the aggregation supplied must be one that both symbols support.
Feed Message
Example Order Book L2 feed message
"feed": "ORDER_BOOK_L2",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"aggregation": "10"
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": [
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"amount": "0.8",
"price": "4900"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"amount": "33.6",
"price": "4860"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 0,
"amount": "69.3",
"price": "4830"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"amount": "1.3",
"price": "5330"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"amount": "3.6",
"price": "5430"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"amount": "1.5",
"price": "5590"
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"amount": "1.8",
"price": "5660"
"ordinal": 0
Upon subscribing, the Order Book L2 Feed will first return a message reflecting the current state of the Order Book (called a partial). Subsequent messages will contain updates to that initial state. An amount of "0" is sent in an update to reflect that the order book row is no longer present.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» aggregation | string | true | The order book aggregation |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» symbol | string | true | The symbol of the aggregated orderbook row |
»» side | number | true | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» amount | string | true | The aggregated amount for this level in the orderbook |
»» price | string | true | The aggregated price level |
Mark Price
Subscription Message
Example Mark Price subscription object
"feed": "MARK_PRICE",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
Feed Message
Example Mark Price feed messages
"feed": "MARK_PRICE",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": [
"epochId": "1",
"indexPriceHash": "0xc19d1444b6b2d936e8a03b1b52b1a127405303f458b85eae7d",
"txOrdinal": "129",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"indexPrice": "5066.585409",
"markPrice": "5066.585409",
"time": "210",
"ema": "0",
"priceOrdinal": "7",
"createdAt": "2023-01-27T23:25:02.609Z"
"ordinal": 0
"feed": "MARK_PRICE",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP"
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"epochId": "1",
"indexPriceHash": "0x8cf9916f564a2e44d8f4a5017a77f290641a25766b2278d952",
"txOrdinal": "132",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"indexPrice": "5122.040416",
"markPrice": "5122.040416",
"time": "240",
"ema": "0",
"priceOrdinal": "8",
"createdAt": "2023-01-27T23:25:32.609Z"
"ordinal": 1
Upon subscribing, the Mark Price Feed will first return a message (a partial) reflecting the most recent mark prices. Subsequent messages will contain updates.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» epochId | string | true | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» indexPriceHash | string | true | The hash of the index price. |
»» markPrice | string | true | The index price + ema clamped to 50bps above/below the index price at all times. |
»» symbol | string | true | The symbol of the asset. |
»» indexPrice | string | true | The exponential weighted average of prices from the price feed by source. |
»» time | string | true | The monotonic clock tick associated with this price checkpoint. |
»» ema | string | true | Exponential moving average which tracks the spread between the DerivaDEX Petual swap price and the underlying index price it is tracking. |
»» priceOrdinal | string | true | The ordinal of this price update. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | The time when this row was added to the database. |
Transaction Log
Subscription Message
Example Transaction Log subscription object
"feed": "TX_LOG",
"params": {
"eventKind": 4
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» eventKind | number | false | The event kind to filter by |
Feed Message
Example Transaction Log feed messages
"feed": "TX_LOG",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": null,
"ordinal": 0
"feed": "TX_LOG",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"epochId": "16",
"txOrdinal": "0",
"requestIndex": "6118",
"batchId": "6118",
"timeValue": "4530",
"timeStamp": "1677644197378",
"stateRootHash": "0xb8d4a19dbe18e57e7fa123d6294c32ecb76d8322d1a1371d30d747753f20a53f",
"eventKind": 70,
"event": {
"c": {
"bonds": [
"epochId": 15,
"submitter": "0x0091c987bf62d25945db517bdaa840a6c661374402",
"custodians": [
"t": "FeeDistribution"
"ordinal": 1
"feed": "TX_LOG",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"epochId": "16",
"txOrdinal": "1",
"requestIndex": "6120",
"batchId": "6120",
"timeValue": "4531",
"timeStamp": "1677644198314",
"stateRootHash": "0xb8d4a19dbe18e57e7fa123d6294c32ecb76d8322d1a1371d30d747753f20a53f",
"eventKind": 9,
"event": {
"c": {
"BTCP": {
"ema": "0",
"ordinal": 89,
"timeValue": 4527,
"indexPrice": "23438.023023",
"indexPriceHash": "0xbf2d01d6c9be0a9d4f71e604490a2f9be24fa4482c041ce552"
"t": "PriceCheckpoint"
"ordinal": 2
Upon subscribing, the Transaction Log Feed will first return an empty partial. Subsequent messages will contain transaction log updates.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» eventKind | number | false | The type of transaction log event |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» epochId | string | true | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» requestIndex | string | true | The index of the sequenced request from which this transaction originated. |
»» batchId | string | true | Numerical identifier for a batch of transactions. |
»» timeValue | string | true | The monotonic clock tick associated with this transaction log. |
»» timeStamp | string | true | The unix timestamp associated with this transaction log. |
»» stateRootHash | string | true | A hash representing the full state of the exchange, before processing this transaction log. |
»» eventKind | number | true | The type of transaction log event. Values include: 0: Partial fill, 1: Complete fill, 2: Post, 3: Cancel, 4: Liquidation, 5: Strategy update, 6: Trader update, 7: Withdraw, 8: Withdraw DDX, 9: Price Checkpoint, 10: PnL Realization, 11: Funding, 12: Trade mining, 13: Specs update, 14: Insurance fund update, 15: Insurance fund withdraw, 16: Disaster recovery, 30: Cancel all, 60: Signer registered, 70: Fee distribution, 100: Epoch marker, 998: Drain prices, 999: No transition |
»» event | any | true | The transaction event in JSON format. |
Order Intent
Subscription Message
Example Order Intent subscription object
"feed": "ORDER_INTENT",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"traderAddress": "0x00a0e5c79803c14d61cc1c33e497aaafed509e29c6",
"strategyId": "main"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbol to filter by |
» traderAddress | string | false | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who owns this order. |
» strategyId | string | false | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
Feed Message
Example Order Intent feed messages
"feed": "ORDER_INTENT",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": null,
"ordinal": 0
"feed": "ORDER_INTENT",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"epochId": "26",
"orderHash": "0x92aaeac66831b00d0db66517debb3eac7370105d854420ed82",
"txOrdinal": "0",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"side": 1,
"amount": "0.1",
"price": "0",
"traderAddress": "0x0091c987bf62d25945db517bdaa840a6c661374402",
"strategyId": "main",
"orderType": 1,
"stopPrice": "0",
"nonce": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001869b904348",
"signature": "0xdc2380203f7e290c274ebb65e03b6377959c193a5364a6d77b6d6b981e9b5a027331deafd1e75db542dff2972c11300f9ab71693fe607ff838d5d404e9942f7b1c",
"createdAt": "2023-03-01T05:06:14.313Z"
"ordinal": 1
"feed": "ORDER_INTENT",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "rejected",
"data": [
"epochId": "1147",
"orderHash": "0xd66e54ebb4651900cc94979c5166d040fd1ebda8f49fd1e17a",
"requestIndex": "465606",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"amount": 0.9,
"traderAddress": "0x00e36ea790bc9d7ab70c55260c66d52b1eca985f84",
"strategyId": "main",
"reason": 0
"ordinal": 3
Upon subscribing, the Order Intent Feed will first return an empty partial. Subsequent messages will contain order intent updates. The order intent feed will also contain messages for rejected orders.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbols to filter by |
» traderAddress | string | false | The trader address which placed the order |
» strategyId | string | false | The strategyId which placed the order |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» epochId | string | true | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» orderHash | string | true | A hash of this order contents. |
»» symbol | string | true | The symbol of the asset for this order. |
»» side | number | true | The side of the order. Values include: 0: Bid, 1: Ask |
»» amount | string | true | The amount of the order. |
»» price | string | true | The price of the order. |
»» traderAddress | string | true | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader who issues this order. |
»» strategyId | string | true | The strategy of the trader which owns this order. |
»» orderType | number | true | The type of order. Values include: 0: Limit, 1: Market 2: Stop |
»» stopPrice | string | true | The stop price for this order. Not currently an active field. |
»» nonce | string | true | The nonce sent by the trader when placing this order. |
»» reason | string | false | The reason this order was rejected. Values include: 0: SelfMatch, 1: Solvency, 2: MarketOrderNotFullyFilled. |
»» requestIndex | string | false | The index of the sequenced request from which this transaction originated, only included for rejected orders. |
»» signature | string | true | A signature which was used to verify the authenticity of the order, when it was sent by the trader. Encrypted using the public key exposed by the leader Operator. |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | The time when this row was added to the database. |
Order Update
Subscription Message
Example Order Update subscription object
"feed": "ORDER_UPDATE",
"params": {
"symbol": "ETHP",
"trader": "0x00a0e5c79803c14d61cc1c33e497aaafed509e29c6",
"strategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1"
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbol to filter by |
» trader | string | false | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant on either the maker or taker side of the fill. |
» strategyIdHash | string | false | The hashed strategy of the trader on either the maker or taker side of the fill. |
Feed Message
Example Order Update feed messages
"feed": "ORDER_UPDATE",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "partial",
"data": null,
"ordinal": 0
"feed": "ORDER_UPDATE",
"params": {},
"contents": {
"messageType": "update",
"data": [
"epochId": "27",
"txOrdinal": "8",
"ordinal": "0",
"makerOrderHash": "0xaf0ca8835e26a598d357aabc160497b1aa74b8f9796eb336c1",
"makerOrderTrader": "0x00accf7803c88b05846c46946d7b46418a9adad578",
"makerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"amount": "0.1",
"symbol": "ETHP",
"price": "1626.1",
"makerFeeUSDC": "0",
"makerFeeDDX": "0",
"makerRealizedPnl": "0",
"takerOrderHash": "0x5b3789e16930b7429dc1bde229306cdc1c1a709c83d1e16d5d",
"takerOrderTrader": "0x0091c987bf62d25945db517bdaa840a6c661374402",
"takerOrderStrategyIdHash": "0x2576ebd1",
"takerFeeUSDC": "1.7874",
"takerFeeDDX": "1.7874",
"takerRealizedPnl": "0",
"reason": 0,
"createdAt": "2023-03-01T05:14:56.313Z",
"liquidatedTrader": null,
"liquidatedStrategyIdHash": null
"ordinal": 1
Upon subscribing, the Order Update Feed will first return an empty partial. Subsequent messages will contain new order updates.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
feed | string | true | The name of the Feed |
params | object | true | The parameters that the feed can take |
» symbol | string | false | The symbol to filter by |
» trader | string | false | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant on either the maker or taker side of the fill. |
» strategyId | string | false | The hashed strategy of the trader on either the maker or taker side of the fill. |
contents | object | true | The contents of the message |
» messageType | string | true | The message type. Values include: 'partial', 'update' |
» ordinal | number | true | The sequence number of this message relative to the feed subscription |
» data | array | true | The data returned by the feed |
»» epochId | string | true | The epoch in which this transaction occured. |
»» txOrdinal | string | true | The transaction ordinal, within the epoch. |
»» ordinal | string | true | The ordinal within this particular transaction. |
»» makerOrderHash | string | true | The order hash for the maker side of this order update. |
»» makerOrderTrader | string | true | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the maker order. |
»» makerOrderStrategyIdHash | string | true | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the maker order. |
»» amount | string | true | The amount that was filled. |
»» symbol | string | true | The symbol of the asset that was filled. |
»» price | string,null | true | The fill price. |
»» makerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | The USDC fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker receives fees in USDC. |
»» makerFeeDDX | string,null | true | The fee that was incurred to the maker side of the fill if the maker elected to receive fees in DDX. Null otherwise. |
»» makerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the maker due to this fill. Null otherwise. |
»» reason | number | true | The type of order update. Values include: 0: trade, 1: liquidation, 2: cancel |
»» takerOrderHash | string,null | true | The order hash for the taker side of this order update. |
»» takerOrderTrader | string,null | true | The trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader which owns the taker order. |
»» takerOrderStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | The hashed strategy id of the strategy which owns the taker order. |
»» takerFeeUSDC | string,null | true | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in USDC. Null otherwise |
»» takerFeeDDX | string,null | true | The fee that was incurred to the taker side of the fill if taker receives fees in DDX. Null otherwise |
»» takerRealizedPnl | string,null | true | The realized profit and loss (not inclusive of fees) incurred to the taker due to this fill. |
»» liquidatedTrader | string,null | true | In the case that this was a liquidation fill, the trader address prefixed with the blockchain discriminant of the trader that was liquidated. |
»» liquidatedStrategyIdHash | string,null | true | The liquidated strategy id hash |
»» createdAt | string(date-time) | true | The time when this row was added to the database. |